Ferguson sp. z o.o. together with its technology partner – Treesat sp. z o.o., would like to inform you that in their solutions Click2open (supervised access) and Ferguson Smart Home (smart home) implement compatibility with a pioneering social program on the importance of health and life – Rescue Without Barriers .

The program is the world’s first social application of combining Blockchain technology functionality with the Internet of Things (IoT). The program was launched as a pilot in several public utility buildings and private housing estates in Olsztyn, where it was enthusiastically received by emergency services, local government units and the residents themselves.

The program is a response to a common problem faced by emergency services (ambulance, fire brigade, gas ambulance and others): access to the property. The main goal of the program is to reduce the travel time of emergency services to those in need and to eliminate the need to stop emergency vehicles during interventions in front of barriers and gates thanks to the use of modern technologies.

Watch TVN's report on Ratunek Bez Barier

Ferguson sp. z o.o. together with its technology partner Treesat sp. z o.o. are already implementing Blockchain technology support in their Click2open and Ferguson Smart Home solutions and compatibility with the Rescue Without Barriers program, thanks to which joining the Program will be possible for every willing entity using Click2open and Smart Home solutions thanks to literally one click in the application. Developers, managers, local government units and private users will be able to make their real estate available to emergency services in the simplest possible way.

“We are very happy to be able to participate in the Rescue Without Barriers program. We are aware of how important and socially necessary this program is, especially in these difficult, pandemic times. Often times, human life depends on a few key minutes that emergency services must not waste while waiting for the entrance gate to the property to be opened. We can see how warm the program has been received by the people on the emergency services and we are proud to provide the necessary equipment and know-how for the proper functioning of the system. Together with our partner – the company Treesat from Olsztyn – we would like to extend the functioning of the system to all devices from the Click2open family of solutions and selected devices from the Ferguson Smart Home line. We are consistently heading towards creating a mutually compatible and intelligent infrastructure of a Smart Home, a Smart City, and over time – who knows – maybe a Smart Country, which will allow for a quick flow of information in hazardous conditions and at the same time will improve the living conditions of citizens. We invite authorities at all levels to cooperate, we invite investors to discuss their needs and expectations towards intelligent home, estate, district or city management systems, but most of all, we invite so-called “ordinary people” to express their opinions and expectations regarding the technologies of tomorrow that we implement today. It is for them, for their protection and comfort, that intelligent and modern systems are created. In our vision, the Rescue Without Barriers program is just the beginning.” said Mr. Piotr Nowakowski, CEO of Ferguson sp. z o.o.

Ferguson sp. z o.o. is a distributor of devices using Click2open, Ferguson Smart Home and Ratunek Bez Barier solutions. Software House Treesat sp. z o.o. is a software and cloud computing provider for Click2open and Ferguson Smart Home solutions by Ferguson sp. z o.o.

For more information on individual solutions, please visit the following websites:

Ratunek Bez Barierhttps://ratunekbezbarier.com
Ferguson Smart Homehttps://ferguson-digital.eu/inteligentny-dom-ferguson/

We invite you to visit the websites of companies:

Treesat sp. z o.o.https://treesat.io
Ferguson sp. z o.o.https://ferguson-digital.eu/